Probably, many people wondered whether this is just another blog that has disappeared. It didnt, just fall a sleep. I moved to Britain, where I got a job in the Cotswold Archaeology.
Now I am settled down, I will write again. With this change of my location of living (temporary of course) also the focus of content will be different. Above all no more photos from the field :( I will be more focused LiDAR data and archaeology.
So much for now!
#FridayLiDAR Is still active and regularly published weekly, and the hashtag has gained some new twetters!
Blog o arheološki dediščini Slovenije. Od znanih do čisto novo odkritih. Z različnimi članki, fotografijami in videoposnetki bomo prepotovali Slovenijo in njeno arheološko dediščino.
Blog about the archaeological heritage of Slovenia. From the known to the newly discovered archaeological sites. With a variety of articles, photos and videos I travel across Slovenia and discover its archaeological heritage.
sobota, 1. oktober 2016
Zatisje in o tem kaj prihaja
Verjetno se je marsikdo ze spraseval ali je to se en blog, ki je poniknil. Poniknil je samo zacasno. Zacasno sem se preselil v Veliko Britanijo, kjer sem dobil sluzbo v Cotswold Archaeology. No sedaj, ko sem se ustalil, bom zopet pognal konje na blogu. S to spremembo, da bodo vsebine nekoliko drugacne. Predvsem ne bo fotografij s terena, se pa bom bolj posvetil LiDAR podatkom in arheologiji.
Toliko zaenkrat!
#FridayLiDAR je se vedno aktiven in redno tedensko objavljam, ter hashtag je pridobil nekaj novih uporabnikov!
Toliko zaenkrat!
#FridayLiDAR je se vedno aktiven in redno tedensko objavljam, ter hashtag je pridobil nekaj novih uporabnikov!
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