ponedeljek, 23. maj 2016

Digitalne zbirke najdišč in najdb II

Kolega arheolog Marko Pečovnik me je opozoril še na dve digitalni internetni zbirki arheoloških najdišč in arheoloških najdb iz območja Slovenije.

Na tej povezavi lahko dostopate do strani Interarch, kjer  slovenske in avstrijske inštitucije omogočajo javen dostop do svojih digitaliziranih arheoloških in numizmatičnih najdb s pripadajočimi arhivalijami, ki so bile odkrite na območju historične (Spodnje) Štajerske in delih avstrijske Dežele Štajerske med leti 1811 in 1941. 

Tukaj je povezava do portala Ubi erat Lupa - zbirke spomenikov in najdb, ki imajo grške in rimske napise (nagrobniki, oltarji, itd.). Zelo zanimivo, gre sicer za evropsko zbirko, a so v njen tudi najdbe iz Slovenskega prostora.

petek, 20. maj 2016

Archaeological site V Snožeti update - short youtube video

Here is a short tour just that you get a feel for the landscape in which lies archeological site V Snožeti. Im sorry for my broken English - all i do is read, write and listen to English.

ponedeljek, 16. maj 2016

Archaeological sites of Slovenia - short introduction

Archaeological site is a place in the landscape where the remains of human existence and activity in the past are still preserved. Archaeological sites are witness about past and they are all around where we live now. They are part of the landscape, which itself is a remain of our ancestors.

In Slovenia there is registered and protected more than 3,300 archaeological sites. Thus, the majority of Slovenian territory riddled with archaeological sites. Average is more than 6 archaeological sites per 1km2. They are found in all geographical areas from the highlands, swamps, to seas, rivers and plains. With advance of archaeological detecting surveys especially LiDAR there are new sites discovered every day. There is still so much undiscovered archaeological sites just waiting to be discovered.

One of the many newly discovered archaeological sites (I suspect dated to antiquity) this one near town Sežana (author Jošt Hobič).

The oldest site is dated to the time of the Neanderthals (older Stone Age - 150,000 BC.). The oldest sites are usually linked to the Karst caves, mainly because erosion is minimal. From the time of the first farmers (Neolithic - Neolithic era) we known the first plan settlements. Most of the sites are hidden under the ground, but still there is much of those that are visible to the naked eye. These are mainly prehistoric burial mounds, earthworks of prehistoric hillforts and ruins of castles.

On this interactive maps you can get all the basic information about known and protected archaeological sites. The are all in Slovene language.



I will present some fascinating and vital archaeological sites and finds from Slovenia in future blog posts. It will be great!

Potter and Female figure found in one of the pile dwellings on Ljubljansko barje, 3000 BC - Copper age or Eneolithic (source)

sobota, 14. maj 2016

V Snožetih - extensive complex archaeological site near Škocjan Caves Regional Park

Snožetih (it means literary On the meadows) is archaeological site located near the village of Goriče - municipality Divača.

Location of archaeological site v Snožeti (geoprostor.net)

The area is largely karst plateau, with some major vrtačas. In the southern part it is slowly declining towards canyon of river Reka. Extensively farmed meadows that cover most of the area are slowly being overgrown with young forest. Some individual small fields can be found in small dolines.

V Snožeti archaeological site is part of a larger archaeological very interesting cultural landscape and its surroundings. In the vicinity there are many prehistoric hillforts (Skocjan, Gradišče near Divača, Stari grad above Famlje), Late Bronze Age cemetery in the village of Brežec and interesting cave archaeological sites (Škocjan Caves complex, Viktorjev spodmol and Korinčeva cave in Dolnje Ležeče).

In years 1986 and 1987 archaeologists made the first archaeological research of all visible mounds. They counted about 40 on the northern side of the road Divača - Vremski Britof and between 15 and 20 on the south side of the road. They dug test evaluation sections in two mounds. Recorded sections showed that in both cases the mounds are made of medium and small surface limestone Karst rubble. During the excavation they found no remains of possible walls inside mounds (Osmuk 1988). In the lower picture you can see locations of both mounds.

Location of partly excavated mounds.

In the section of the mound 2 archaeologists found in the debris of limestone a fragment of prehistoric ladle, which dates to the time of the Neolithic or Copper Age (Mlekuž, 2015). On this basis, it is believed that the area was inhabited even before the start of the hillforts construction and that here the site to look for plane prehistoric settlement with extensive prehistoric filed system.

Drawing of ceramic ladle in mound 2 (Osmuk, 1988).

The area, which was investigated at that time was also scheduled on the list of archaeological sites and protected.

Area of scheduled archaeological site V Snožeti (geoprostor.net(

With usage of LiDAR(laser scanning Earth's surface from the air – whole Slovenia was recorded), we have gained the opportunity to see the structures, which are due to forest cover or non distinctive forms hidden. Dimitrij Mlekuž has further explored the area of V Snožeti and results are, that site is much larger. There are mostly enclosed fields, roads and very probably also individual farmsteads. The area is enclosed by a long wall, which is clearly visible on the north side (see transcript of archaeological traces). In 2015 the Department of Archaeology – Ljubljana also made geophysical survey of some mounds and enclosures. I was told by Dimitrij Mlekuž, who conducted a survey, that in some barrows there is a hint of possible walls. Let's wait for the results and papers.

LiDAR picture and transcription of archaeological features in the area of archaeological site V Snožeti by Mlekuž 2015.

I believe that the border wall of the complex isn't a border of territory of major hillfort in Škocjan. If we look a little to the north and west, there are still archaeological traces of prehistoric fields. Maybe it is a limit of more arable area, which was separated from the area on the other side of outer wall dedicated to free grazing, which in turn extends on the slopes of mountain Vremščica.

The area's prehistoric field distribution and potential settlements continues beyond the upper LiDAR all the way to the edge of canyon of river Reka on the south side.

The whole area of archaeological traces in the area of V Snožeti you can see at the LiDAR image below.

LiDAR picutre of northern part of Škocjan landscape (Jošt Hobič).

Link to full LiDAR pic

With each new discovery I realize that I live in a landscape where the visual records of people's lives in the distant past are preserved at every turn.

If you have any questions post them under comments!

That is for now for now.


Mlekuž, Dimitrij: Oblike prazgodovinske poljske razdelitve. Kronika, časopis za slovensko krajevno zgodovino 63/3, 2015, str. 1-16.

Osmuk, Nada: Goriče pri Famljah. Varstvo spomenikov 30, 1988, str. 196–197.

petek, 13. maj 2016

This blog

As stated in title of this blog main purpose is to present different archaeological sites of Slovenia. Mostly I will focus primarily on regions of Karst, Brkini and Slovenian Istria. But if i will have some free time to spare (and resources) I will go to some other interesting sites all across Slovenia.

I will also post my thoughts and experience in connection with doing landscape archaeology and community archaeology.

Now something about author.

My name is Jošt Hobič and I live in Slovenia. I have graduated from Archaeology in 2013 at Faculty of Arts Ljubljana. I have 13 years of experience of digging at various excavations. This is one of the main reasons why I graduated so late, there was just to many excavations. I have experience from urban, rural and cave contexts excavations.

As you can and will see from various blog posts I also work with LiDAR and specialize in it.

I organize mainly as volunteer archaeological hikes and various lectures about archaeology, landscape and archaeological sites.

This is it for starters!

If you have any questions just ask :D

torek, 10. maj 2016

V Snožeti - iz satelita

Odličen pogled na najdišče z izrazitimi sencami, posneto iz satelita. Zelo lepo vidne gomile in druge linearne strukture.

Posnetek iz satelita na arheološko najdišče V Snožeti.

sreda, 4. maj 2016

V Snožetih – izjemno in obsežno arheološko najdišče v Škocjanski pokrajini

Arheološko najdišče V Snožeti se nahaja pri vasi Goriče v občini Divača. 

Lokacija arheološkega najdišča V Snožeti (vir:www.geoprostor.net).

Območje je v veliki meri uravnan kraški ravnik, s posameznimi večjimi vrtačami. Na južnem delu se počasi znižuje proti kanjonu reke Reke. Travniki, ki se počasi zaraščajo v veliki meri pokrivajo območje najdišča s posameznimi majhnimi njivami v vrtačah.

Najdišče V Snožeti, je del večje arheološko zelo zanimive pokrajine okolice Škocjana in Vremskega polja. V Bližini imamo kar nekaj prazgodovinskih gradišč (Škocjan, Gradišče pri Divači, Stari grad nad Famljami), pozno bronastodobno grobišče pri vasi Brežec in zanimiva jamska najdišča (Škocjanske jame, Viktorjev spodmol, brezno Korinčeva jama v Dolnjih Ležečah).

Leta 1986 in 1987 so bile narejene prve arheološke raziskave, najprej s popisom vseh vidnih gomil. Teh so našteli okoli 40 na S strani ceste Divača Vremski Britof in med 15 in 20 na južni strani ceste. Nato so testno sondirali dveh gomili. Pri sondiranju so ugotovili, da gre v obeh primerih za gomili sestavljeni iz srednje debelega in manjšega površinskega kraškega grušča. Pri izkopu niso našli nobenih ruševinskih ostankov zidov znotraj grobelj (Osmuk 1988). Spodnje lokacije gomil sem uspel določiti na podlagi informacij znotraj članka v Varstvu spomenikov 30 in vidnega izkopa na LiDAR posnetkih.

Lokacija obeh sondiranih gomil v letih 1987 in 1988 (vir:www.geoprostor.net).

Pri gomili št. 2 so v zasutju našli fragment prazgodovinske keramike, zajemalke, ki spada v čas mlajše kamene dobe ali pa bakrene dobe (Mlekuž, 2015). Na podlagi tega se domneva, da je območje bilo poseljeno že pred začetki gradnje gradišč in da gre tukaj iskati poleg polj tudi prazgodovinsko plano naselbino.

Risba zajemalke najdene v gomili 2 (Osmuk, 1988).

Območje, ki so ga takrat raziskali, so nato tudi uvrstili na seznam arheoloških najdišč in ga zavarovali.

Označeno zavarovano območje arheološkega najdišča V Snožeti (vir:www.geoprostor.net).

Z prihodom LiDARja (lasersko skeniranje Zemljinega površja iz zraka – posneta je cela Slovenija) smo pridobili možnost, da vidimo tudi strukture, ki so zaradi zaraščenosti ali neizstopajoče oblike bile do sedaj skrite. Dimitrij Mlekuž je že podrobneje raziskal območje V Snožeti, kjer se je pokazalo, da je najdišče precej večje. Gre za različne oblike ograjenih polj in zelo verjetno tudi posameznih kmetij. Območje zamejuje daljši zid, ki je lepo viden na severni strani (glej transkripcijo arheoloških sledov). Znotraj lepo vidne ograjene poti med posameznimi polji (Mlekuž 2015). V letu 2015 so bile narejen tudi geofizikalne raziskave s strani Oddelka za arheologijo. Neuradno, naj bi se v nekaterih gomilah kazali možni zidovi. Počakajmo na rezultate in članek.

LiDAR posnetek in transkripcija arheoloških sledi na območju arheološkega najdišča V Snožeti (Mlekuž, 2015).

Sem mnenja, da mejni zid tega kompleksa ni tudi meja območja gradišča v Škocjanu. Če pogledamo malce proti severu in zahodu, se še vedno ponavljajo arheološki sledovi prazgodovinskih polj. Mogoče gre za mejo bolj njivskega predela, ki so ga ločili od območja na drugi strani zidu, namenjenega prosti paši živine, ta pa se raztega proti pobočjem Vremščice.

Območje prazgodovinske poljske razdelitve in možne naselbine se nadaljuje še izven zgornjega LiDAR posnetka vse do roba kanjona reke Reke na južni strani.

Celotno območje arheoloških sledi na območju v Snožeti lahko si lahko prenesete tudi na spodnjem linku.

LiDAR posnetek Škocjanske pokrajine - severni predel (avtor: Jošt Hobič)
Z vsakim novim odkritjem spoznavam, da živim v pokrajini, kjer so vidni zapisi življenja ljudi v daljni preteklosti na vsakem koraku.

Če imate kakšna vprašanja na plan z njimi!

Toliko za sedaj, naslednji teden novo najdišče....mogoče ne toliko obsežno... :D


Mlekuž, Dimitrij: Oblike prazgodovinske poljske razdelitve. Kronika, časopis za slovensko krajevno zgodovino 63/3, 2015, str. 1-16.

Osmuk, Nada: Goriče pri Famljah. Varstvo spomenikov 30, 1988, str. 196–197.