Tako malo več kot en mesec je preteklo od zadnje posodobitve. Sem malo zopet resno prijel za delo. Tokrat kar nekaj novosti. Norveška je izdala 1m resolucijo DTM, imamo 100% pokritost Jugozahoda Anglije, Avstralija je izdala v zadnjih letih v 1m in 2m resoluciji.
Dodal sem tudi link do portala OpenTopography, kjer najdete lahko veliko zanimivih stvari! Priporočam registracijo, saj so datoteke, ki jih lahko prenesete s tem večje....večje površine.
Link do seznama
One month later and new update. Some really interesting updates, for English users must check is 100% coverage of South West. Also new datasets of Malta, Norway and Australia.
I also added link to portal OpenTopography where you can access a lot of different LiDAR projects data around the World. I recommend registration as you can download bigger areas.
Link to list page
Arheologija Slovenije/Archaeology of Slovenia
Blog o arheološki dediščini Slovenije. Od znanih do čisto novo odkritih. Z različnimi članki, fotografijami in videoposnetki bomo prepotovali Slovenijo in njeno arheološko dediščino.
Blog about the archaeological heritage of Slovenia. From the known to the newly discovered archaeological sites. With a variety of articles, photos and videos I travel across Slovenia and discover its archaeological heritage.
torek, 11. julij 2017
torek, 8. november 2016
List of freely accessible LiDAR data and digital terrain models
THIS LIST IS NOT UPDATED ANYMORE. I MOVED IT TO THIS SITE https://arheologijaslovenija.blogspot.co.uk/p/blog-page_81.html
Surveying surface of the Earth with LiDAR technology is increasing, thereby the database of LiDAR data is constantly increasing.
Surveying surface of the Earth with LiDAR technology is increasing, thereby the database of LiDAR data is constantly increasing.
And some
databases are openly available on the internet. In the vast majority
of a LiDAR surveys were and are undertaken by various government
agencies of various countries around the world. Openly available
LiDAR data in available in different formats, coordinate systems and
state of processing (from the cleaned point cloud data to the digital
terrain model of the ground).
On the internet you can find many different lists of digital terrain models of ground (DTM) and LiDAR data recording, but almost all receive an irregular update and are therefore deficient.
I encourage people to try different LiDAR data to try something new. In addition to new technical GIS knowledge you will gain it is also fun to discover new archaeological sites or view the famous archaeological sites from LiDAR “view” in other countries.
Conditions for making to the list are:
- free access to files
- files are already classified lidar data (files with the extension .LAS, .LAZ, .zLAS, .ASC, .XYZ)
- a digital terrain model of resolution 5m or less (files with the extension .GeoTIFF, .ASC, .IMAGE, .DEM)
!When ftp server is available use of ftp client is recommended. Here is guide how to setup open-source ftp client FileZilla.
I will check list monthly and update it regularly.
If you have any trouble getting data from internet sites on this list, leave a message on the comments and I'll help.
If you know the source I missed or it is brand new, leave a message in the comments and I'll be happy to check it in and add it to the list.
Europe |
Country | Region/City/State | Format | CRS/Koordinatni sistem | Particularities |
Austria | Wien | GeoTIFF | EPSG:31256 | |
Belgium | Wallonia | GeoTIFF | EPSG:31370 | Click on bold link Downloaden and pick file |
Denmark | GeoTIFF | EPSG:25832 | Free registration needed | |
England | ASCII-raster | EPSG:27700 | ||
Finland | LAZ | EPSG:3067 | In datasets search LiDAR | |
Germany | North Rhine-Westphalia | XZY-points | EPSG:25832 | Under DGM folder you can select DTM files |
Germany | Thuringia | XZY/LAZ | EPSG:25832 | Search for place name and then click it to select 1x1km big quadrant |
Italy | Bolzano, South Tyrol | GeoTIFF | EPSG:3044 | |
Italy | Friuli-Venezia | ASCII-raster | EPSG:3044 | On right side search places |
Italy | Trentino | ASCII-raster | EPSG:4326 | In the top row, click the icon cursor pointing to the cube |
Spain | Basque | LAS | EPSG:25830 | |
Luxemburg | ASCII | EPSG:2169 | Whole countrie in one file | |
Netherland | GeoTIFF/LAZ | EPSG:28992 | AHN3 dataset | |
Netherland | GeoTIFF | EPSG:28992 | AHN2 dataset | |
Northern Ireland | ASCII-raster | EPSG:29901 | Check coverage map. | |
Scotland | ASCII-raster | EPSG:27700 | Pick resolution, then under data resources click link. One big file. | |
Slovenia | zLAS/LAZ | EPSG:25830 | ||
Spain | LAZ | EPSG:4258 | Under municipio search place or municipy | |
Spain | Catalonia | LAZ | EPSG:25830 | |
Spain | La Rioja | LAZ/GeoTIFF | EPSG:25830 | Click on cartgrafia tematica and search lidar or modelo digital |
Switzerland | Solothurn canton | LAZ/GeoTIFF | EPSG:21781 | |
Switzerland | Zurich canton | LAZ/GeoTIFF | EPSG:2056 | In maps menu seek LiDAR |
Wales | ASCII-raster | EPSG:27700 |
North America |
Country | Region/City/State | Format | CRS | Particularities |
ZDA | Indiana | LAS/IMAGE-raster | EPSG:2965/2966 | In datasets the LiDAR in DEM files are under IndianaMap Data |
ZDA | Kentucky | LAZ/IMAGE-raster | USER defined | Search LiDAR, select LiDAR or DTM, then click link to go to ftp server |
ZDA | Louisiana | XZY/DEM-raster | EPSG:26915 | |
ZDA | Minnesota | LAZ | See each dataset | Search by counties/ftp access |
ZDA | North Dakota | LAS/XYZ/IMAGE-raster/ASCII-raster | EPSG:26914 | |
ZDA | Ohio | LAS/ASCII-raster | EPSG:32122 | |
ZDA | Washington | LAS/XYZ/IMAGE-raster/ASCII-raster | EPSG:Custom-is written in files | With tool for select region choose region and then choose data for download |
Latin America and Caribbean |
Country | Region/City/State | Format | CRS | Particularities |
Haiti | LAS/ASCII-raster | EPSG:3857 |
Oceania |
Country | Region/City/State | Format | CRS | Particularities |
New Zealand | LAZ/ASCII-points/GeoTIFF | EPSG:2193 | Click on wanted data set. Then click on Point cloud data. On next page use select region and then choose format of data for download |
nedelja, 6. november 2016
Seznam prosto dostopnih podatkov lidarskega snemanja in digitalnih modelov reliefa tal
TA BLOG ZAPIS NI VEČ AKTUALEN. PRESTAVLJENO NA STRAN https://arheologijaslovenija.blogspot.co.uk/p/blog-page_76.html
Snemanja zemeljskega površja s LiDAR tehnologijo se vedno bolj razširjajo, s tem pa se povečuje tudi baza lidarskih podatkov.
Snemanja zemeljskega površja s LiDAR tehnologijo se vedno bolj razširjajo, s tem pa se povečuje tudi baza lidarskih podatkov.
In kar nekaj jih je prosto dostopna
na internetu. V veliki večini gre za podatkovne baze lidarskih
snemanj, ki so jih opravile različne državne agencije posameznih
držav po celem svetu. Dostopni podatki so v različnih formatih,
koordinatnih sistemih in stanjih obdelave (od celostnih podatkov do
digitalnega modela reliefa tal).
Na spletu kroži veliko
raznih seznamov digitalnih modelov reliefa tal in podatkov lidarskega
snemanja, a so skoraj vsi deležni nerednega posodabljanja in zato
Poleg novega tehničnega
GIS znanja, ki ga s tem pridobimo, se je zabavno podati v druge
države in tam odkrivati nova arheološka najdišča ali pa si
ogledati znana arheološka najdišča iz lidarskega pogleda.
Pogoji za uvrstitev na
seznam so, da:
- je omogočen prost dostop do podatkov
- so klasificirani lidarski podatki/točkovni oblak (datoteke s končnico .LAS, .LAZ, .zLAS, .ASC, .XYZ)
- ima digitalni model reliefa resolucijo 5m ali manj (datoteke s končnico .GeoTIFF, .ASC, .IMAGE, .DEM)
!Ko je dostop omogočen preko ftp je priporočena uporaba ftp programa! Navodila, kako namestiti in uporabljati odprtokodni ftp program FileZilla.
Seznam bom mesečno
preverjal in posodabljal.
Če imate kakršne koli
težave pridobivanja podatkov iz internetnih strani na seznamu
pustite sporočilo pod komentarji in bom pomagal.
Če poznate še kakšen
vir, pustite sporočilo v komentarjih in z veseljem bom preveril in
dodal na seznam.
Evropa |
Država | Regija/Mesto/Pokrajina | Format | CRS/Koordinatni sistem | Posebnosti |
Anglija | ASCII-raster | EPSG:27700 | ||
Avstrija | Dunaj | GeoTIFF | EPSG:31256 | |
Belgija | Valonija | GeoTIFF | EPSG:31370 | Klikni na link z odebeljenim Downloaden in izberi datoteko |
Danska | GeoTIFF | EPSG:25832 | Potrebna brezplačna registracija | |
Finska | LAZ | EPSG:3067 | Med dataseti išči LiDAR | |
Italija | Bolzano, Južna Tirolska | GeoTIFF | EPSG:3044 | |
Italija | Furlanija Julijska krajina | ASCII-raster | EPSG:3044 | Desno v meniju išči kraj |
Italija | Trentino | ASCII-raster | EPSG:4326 | V zgornji vrstici klikni ikono kursorja ki kaže na kocko |
Luxemburg | ASCII | EPSG:2169 | Cela država v enem kosu | |
Nemčija | Severno Porenje-Vestfalija | XZY-points | EPSG:25832 | Pod DGM se nahajajo datoteke modela reliefa tal |
Nemčija | Turingija | XZY/LAZ | EPSG:25832 | Išči kraj in klikni na kvadrat za prenos |
Nizozemska | GeoTIFF/LAZ | EPSG:28992 | AHN3 dataset | |
Nizozemska | GeoTIFF | EPSG:28992 | AHN2 dataset | |
Severna Irska | ASCII-raster | EPSG:29901 | Poglej karto pokritosti. | |
Slovenija | zLAS/LAZ | EPSG:25830 | ||
Škotska | ASCII-raster | EPSG:27700 | Izberi ločljivost, nato pod data resources klikni link. | |
Španija | LAZ | EPSG:4258 | Pod municipio išči po kraju | |
Španija | Baskija | LAS | EPSG:25830 | |
Španija | Katalonija | LAZ | EPSG:25830 | |
Španija | La Rioja | LAZ/GeoTIFF | EPSG:25830 | Klikni na cartgrafia tematica in iščici lidar ali pa modelo digital |
Švica | Solothurn kanton | LAZ/GeoTIFF | EPSG:21781 | |
Švica | Zurich kanton | LAZ/GeoTIFF | EPSG:2056 | Med kartami išči LiDAR |
Wales | ASCII-raster | EPSG:27700 |
Severna Amerika |
Država | Regija/Mesto/Zvezna država | Format | CRS/Koordinatni sistem | Posebnosti |
ZDA | Indiana | LAS/IMAGE-raster | EPSG:2965/2966 | Med dataseti je LiDAR in DEM pod IndianaMap Data |
ZDA | Kentucky | LAZ/IMAGE-raster | USER defined | Išči LiDAR, nato izberi in klikni link, ki ti odpre ftp |
ZDA | Louisiana | XZY/DEM-raster | EPSG:26915 | |
ZDA | Minnesota | LAZ | Odvisno od dataseta | Išči po posameznih pokrajinah/ftp dostop |
ZDA | Ohio | LAS/ASCII-raster | EPSG:32122 | |
ZDA | Severna Dakota | LAS/XYZ/IMAGE-raster/ASCII-raster | EPSG:26914 | |
ZDA | Washington | LAS/XYZ/IMAGE-raster/ASCII-raster | EPSG:Custom-je zapisan v datotekah | Z orodjem za izbiro območja )tretja ikona la levi strani= izberi območje in nato željene podatke |
Srednja Amerika in Karibi |
Država | Regija/Mesto/Zvezna država | Format | CRS/Koordinatni sistem | Posebnosti |
Haiti | LAS/ASCII-raster | EPSG:3857 |
Oceanija |
Država | Regija/Mesto/Zvezna država | Format | CRS/Koordinatni sistem | Posebnosti |
Nova Zelandija | LAZ/ASCII-points/GeoTIFF | EPSG:2193 | Klikni na željen dataset. Klikni na Point cloud data. Tam z select region izberi področje in nato format podatkov |
sobota, 1. oktober 2016
Back...yes I am back
Probably, many people wondered whether this is just another blog that has disappeared. It didnt, just fall a sleep. I moved to Britain, where I got a job in the Cotswold Archaeology.
Now I am settled down, I will write again. With this change of my location of living (temporary of course) also the focus of content will be different. Above all no more photos from the field :( I will be more focused LiDAR data and archaeology.
So much for now!
#FridayLiDAR Is still active and regularly published weekly, and the hashtag has gained some new twetters!
Now I am settled down, I will write again. With this change of my location of living (temporary of course) also the focus of content will be different. Above all no more photos from the field :( I will be more focused LiDAR data and archaeology.
So much for now!
#FridayLiDAR Is still active and regularly published weekly, and the hashtag has gained some new twetters!
Zatisje in o tem kaj prihaja
Verjetno se je marsikdo ze spraseval ali je to se en blog, ki je poniknil. Poniknil je samo zacasno. Zacasno sem se preselil v Veliko Britanijo, kjer sem dobil sluzbo v Cotswold Archaeology. No sedaj, ko sem se ustalil, bom zopet pognal konje na blogu. S to spremembo, da bodo vsebine nekoliko drugacne. Predvsem ne bo fotografij s terena, se pa bom bolj posvetil LiDAR podatkom in arheologiji.
Toliko zaenkrat!
#FridayLiDAR je se vedno aktiven in redno tedensko objavljam, ter hashtag je pridobil nekaj novih uporabnikov!
Toliko zaenkrat!
#FridayLiDAR je se vedno aktiven in redno tedensko objavljam, ter hashtag je pridobil nekaj novih uporabnikov!
sreda, 17. avgust 2016
Degradation of archaeological sites because of archaeological research - example hillfort Ajdovščina/Rodik/Slovenia
there is a degradation of archaeological sites due to natural
disasters, changes in vegetation cover,
intensive agricultural use, various land and building works and
treasure hunters.
Usually we archaeologists do not admit that even our work has degrading effects on archaeological sites. But at this point I do not mean archaeological excavations in the so-called rescue archaeology. Rescue excavations and archaeological research is usually done because of construction work in the area of archaeological site and it is only way to save it.
Here I write about archaeological excavations and research, that is done on exclusively research and study basis. I will present one case where archaeologist left archaeological site in "disarray" and neglected. It is meant on one hand as critique of management of excavators and on the other hand a reminder to our-self. In what state do we leave archaeological site behind.
Usually we archaeologists do not admit that even our work has degrading effects on archaeological sites. But at this point I do not mean archaeological excavations in the so-called rescue archaeology. Rescue excavations and archaeological research is usually done because of construction work in the area of archaeological site and it is only way to save it.
Here I write about archaeological excavations and research, that is done on exclusively research and study basis. I will present one case where archaeologist left archaeological site in "disarray" and neglected. It is meant on one hand as critique of management of excavators and on the other hand a reminder to our-self. In what state do we leave archaeological site behind.
example of poor
management is the condition of the
archaeological site
Ajdovščina, that I wrote about previous
month. Archaeological research was
conducted in the 80s
and 90s by
the Department of Archaeology Faculty of
Arts in Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Situation already shocked me few years ago when I visited the site for the first time, and disappointed and angry by the condition of some archaeological features. When I visited it this year I decided that because nothing had changed and on some parts situation is getting worse I have to write something down and also inform Department of archaeology of the unfinished business they left up there.
Situation already shocked me few years ago when I visited the site for the first time, and disappointed and angry by the condition of some archaeological features. When I visited it this year I decided that because nothing had changed and on some parts situation is getting worse I have to write something down and also inform Department of archaeology of the unfinished business they left up there.
follows are photos of degraded
and neglected areas left by archaeological research.
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Poles that marked grid for geophysical survey. As they are made from wood they do not represent an environmental problem. More a visual garbage and it looks as someone will build something up there. |
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Section made through the ruins of main wall. Sliding of material is seen on bout edges. |
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Spoil heap of material from ruins of main wall, that is left on the bank. |
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Shed for tools left standing on the top of the hill. |
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PVC foil left laying around. Started to tear and pollute whole site. |
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PVC foil left laying around. Started to tear and pollute whole site. Spoil heap of main excavation on left. |
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Spoil heap of main trench on the top of the hill. |
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PVC foil left on the excavated late antiquity foundations. Started to tear as trench wasn't properly filed back. Foundations started to crumble. |
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PVC foil left on the excavated late antiquity foundations. Started to tear as trench wasn't properly filed back. Foundations started to crumble. |
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PVC foil left on the excavated late antiquity foundations. Started to tear as trench wasn't properly filed back. Foundations started to crumble. |
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Teared PVC foil now seen almost on half of the whole site. |
For me personally such an attitude indicates a stance and that archaeological sites are only information carrier. We need only to dig them and then, take away all the data to study it in the comforts of our chair. Who gives a s*** about what we left when we dug it.
Archaeological sites are the living remnants and witnesses of life of ancestors. Archaeological sites are vital part of any landscape. Every archaeologist would have to take care and respect the environment and archeological sites and leave minimal impact on them.
We musnt let this bad examples to message to public: Archaeologists were here and we don give a f***for the environment and archeological site itself..
Degradacija arheoloških najdišč zaradi arheoloških raziskav – primer gradišče Ajdovščina
Ponavadi prihaja do
degradacije arheoloških najdišč zaradi naravnih nesreč, sprememb
v vegetaciji, intenzivne kmetijske uporabe, raznih zemeljskih in
gradbenih del ter iskanja zakladov.
Ponavadi si
arheologi ne priznamo, da tudi naše delo degradira in pusti
posledice na arheoloških najdiščih. A na tem mestu ne mislim na
arheološka izkopavanja v okviru tako imenovane reševalne
arheologije. To so izkopavanja in arheološke raziskave, ki jih
opravljamo zaradi ponavadi gradbenih posegov na območju arheoloških
Gre za primere, ko
se pusti arheološko najdišče po zaključku arheoloških raziskav v
»razsulu« in zanemarjeno. Tukaj bom podal primer, v kakšnem stanju
je gradišče Ajdovščina po končanih arheoloških raziskavah v
80tih in 90tih s strani Oddelka za
arheologijo Filozofske fakultete v Ljubljani.
Stanje me je že
pred leti prav osuplo in razočaralo. Ko sem letos obiskal Ajdovščino
sem se odločil, da zaradi nespremenjenega stanja napišem nekaj na
blog. Kar sledi so fotografije degradiranih in zanemarjenih območji,
ki so jih pustile arheološke raziskave.
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Količki, ki so označevali mrežo za geofizikalne meritve. Ker so leseni ne predstavljajo takšnega okoljskega problema, kot to, da barvno sekajo iz okolice in človek ne ve ali bodo kaj gradili gor. |
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Sonda narejena skozi nasip - dobro vidno posipanje z obeh strani. |
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Deponija - ostanek izkopa sonde za obzidje. ker ni bilo izvedeno ponovno zasutje sonde, se je deponija zlila skupaj z ruševino obzidja. |
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Kovinska hiška, ki sameva na vrhu Ajdovščine. Potreben odvoz, ker kazi okolico, notri se nabirajo smeti. |
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Nedokončano zasutje temeljev izkopane zgradbe na vrhu Ajdovščine. Na izkopnem polju je raztrgana PVC folija, ven gledajo deli temelja in razpadajo. Zaraščeno z robido in plevelom. |
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PVC folija od pokritih temeljev razpada in onesnažuje okolico, |
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PVC folija raztrošena po okolici izkopa. |
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PVC folija raztrošena po okolici izkopa. |
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Neurejena deponija na vrhu Ajdovščine ob izkopnem polju. |
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PVC folija raztresena daleč stran od izkopnega polja na vrhu Ajdovščine. |
Takšna podoba arheološkega najdišča po t.i. "raziskovalnih" izkopavanjih je nedopustna. Podobna je okolica najdišča Mala Triglavca pri Divači, predvsem naokoli ležeča plastika in PVC folija. Pozivam oddelek za arheologijo, da se aktivira in počisti za seboj.
Meni osebno takšen odnos do najdišč kaže na to, da za nekatere ostajajo arheološka najdišča samo nosilec informacij, katerega se izkoplje in potem "znanstveno" raziskuje.
Arheološka najdišča so živi ostanki in pričevalci življenja prednikov, ki so stalno prisotni v pokrajini. Vsak arheolog bi moral poskrbeti in spoštovati okolje, kjer se le ta nahajajo.
Ali se pa mora videti da ARHEOLOGI SO BILI TU IN JIH BOLI K ZA OKOLJE...
sreda, 3. avgust 2016
In the beginning of my Twitter activity not so long ago, @MarkusZevnik suggested me a hashtag #FridayLiDAR when I started to post every Friday a LiDAR visualizations of interesting archaeological sites and landscapes.
Since in March 2016 I have managed to post quite a collection of a very interesting archaeological sites and landscapes. In this blog post I decided that i will make a list every now and then of all published #FridayLiDAR tweets.
Why LiDAR every week?
In Slovenia, we have publicly available data LiDAR recording for the total area of the country. This allows us a view of the shape of the surface, even where there is a forest ... and in Slovenia we have over 60% of land covered with forest.
LiDAR imagery reveal many new and unknown archeological sites. From better visible already known archaeological traces and sites to completely newly discovered and almost completely preserved archaeological landscapes and sites.
With LiDAR we have possibility to display in very easy and attractive way shape of landscapes and archaeological sites to the general public.
I also publish a LiDAR imagery of archaeological sites from other countries. Thus, in addition to Slovenia also from the UK, Finland and Italy. I have in plan few other countries...expect some surprise.
03/18/2016 - LiDAR imagery of an prehistoric hillfort Cvinger near Vir pri Stični/Slovenia.
04/01/2016 - LiDAR imagery of prehistoric and late Roman hillfort Ajdovščina in Brkini/Slovenia.
08/04/2016 - LiDAR imagery of iron age hillfort Ivigton Camp in Herefordshire/UK.
04/15/2016 - LiDAR imagery of prehistoric and late Roman hillfort and the medieval castle Šilentabor near Pivka/Slovenia.
04/22/2016 - LiDAR imagery of an hillfort V Lazu and in the surroundings pre-medieval field boundaries/Slovenia.
04/29/2016 - LiDAR imagery of pre-medieval field boundaries and possible plain settlement near village Vrhpolje-Kozina/Slovenia.
06/05/2016 - LiDAR imagery of pre-medieval field boundaries and possible plain settlement near village of Škocjan - Divača/Slovenia.
05/13/2016 -LiDAR imagery of an prehistoric hillfort in the village of Gradina Kosovelje in Karst/Slovenia.
05/20/2016 - LiDAR imagery of an prehistoric hillfort in the village of Birth Zagradec in Karst/Slovenia.
05/27/2016 - LiDAR recording of one the best preserved prehistoric hill forts in the Karst, Vahta in the village of Kazlje/Slovenia.
06/10/2016 - LiDAR imagery of an prehistoric hillfort Tabor near Vrabče and surrounding pre-medieval field boundaries/Slovenia.
06/17/2016 - LiDAR imagery of an prehistoric hillfort Debela Griža pri Kozini/Slovenia.
06/24/2016 - LiDAR imagery of two prehistoric hillforts above Newcastle-on-Clun in Shropshire / United Kingdom.
07/01/2016 - LiDAR imagery of an prehistoric hillfort Rapola/Finland.
08/07/2016 - LiDAR imagery of an prehistoric hillfort Žuškovka near village Laže-Senožeče/Slovenia.
07/15/2016 -LiDAR imagery of the early Roman military camp near Gročana/Italy.
07/22/2016 - LiDAR imagery of the wider surroundings of Newcastle-on-Clun in Shropshire. Transcription of prehistoric hillforts, burial mounds and the early medieval dikes/Great Britain.
07/29/2016 - LiDAR imagenry and transcription of archaeological traces pre-medieval field boundaries plain settlement in near village Naklo near Divača/Slovenia.
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Hillfort Žuškovka - #FridayLidar of 07.08.2016 |
Why LiDAR every week?
In Slovenia, we have publicly available data LiDAR recording for the total area of the country. This allows us a view of the shape of the surface, even where there is a forest ... and in Slovenia we have over 60% of land covered with forest.
LiDAR imagery reveal many new and unknown archeological sites. From better visible already known archaeological traces and sites to completely newly discovered and almost completely preserved archaeological landscapes and sites.
With LiDAR we have possibility to display in very easy and attractive way shape of landscapes and archaeological sites to the general public.
I also publish a LiDAR imagery of archaeological sites from other countries. Thus, in addition to Slovenia also from the UK, Finland and Italy. I have in plan few other countries...expect some surprise.
03/18/2016 - LiDAR imagery of an prehistoric hillfort Cvinger near Vir pri Stični/Slovenia.
04/01/2016 - LiDAR imagery of prehistoric and late Roman hillfort Ajdovščina in Brkini/Slovenia.
08/04/2016 - LiDAR imagery of iron age hillfort Ivigton Camp in Herefordshire/UK.
04/15/2016 - LiDAR imagery of prehistoric and late Roman hillfort and the medieval castle Šilentabor near Pivka/Slovenia.
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Šilentabor #FridayLiDAR of 15.04.2016 |
04/29/2016 - LiDAR imagery of pre-medieval field boundaries and possible plain settlement near village Vrhpolje-Kozina/Slovenia.
06/05/2016 - LiDAR imagery of pre-medieval field boundaries and possible plain settlement near village of Škocjan - Divača/Slovenia.
05/13/2016 -LiDAR imagery of an prehistoric hillfort in the village of Gradina Kosovelje in Karst/Slovenia.
05/20/2016 - LiDAR imagery of an prehistoric hillfort in the village of Birth Zagradec in Karst/Slovenia.
05/27/2016 - LiDAR recording of one the best preserved prehistoric hill forts in the Karst, Vahta in the village of Kazlje/Slovenia.
06/10/2016 - LiDAR imagery of an prehistoric hillfort Tabor near Vrabče and surrounding pre-medieval field boundaries/Slovenia.
06/17/2016 - LiDAR imagery of an prehistoric hillfort Debela Griža pri Kozini/Slovenia.
06/24/2016 - LiDAR imagery of two prehistoric hillforts above Newcastle-on-Clun in Shropshire / United Kingdom.
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Two prehistoric hill forts above Newcastle-on-Clun #FridayLiDAR of 06.24.2016 |
08/07/2016 - LiDAR imagery of an prehistoric hillfort Žuškovka near village Laže-Senožeče/Slovenia.
07/15/2016 -LiDAR imagery of the early Roman military camp near Gročana/Italy.
07/22/2016 - LiDAR imagery of the wider surroundings of Newcastle-on-Clun in Shropshire. Transcription of prehistoric hillforts, burial mounds and the early medieval dikes/Great Britain.
07/29/2016 - LiDAR imagenry and transcription of archaeological traces pre-medieval field boundaries plain settlement in near village Naklo near Divača/Slovenia.
torek, 2. avgust 2016
V mojih Twitter
začetkih ne tako dolgo nazaj, mi je predlagal hashtag #FridayLiDAR @MarkusZevnik, ko
sem si zadal da vsak petek objavim en LiDAR posnetek zanimivega
arheološkega najdišča.
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Gradišče Žuškovka - #FridayLidar dne 08/07/2016 |
Ker se je tega že kar nekaj nabralo in so
med njimi zelo zanimiva najdišča in pokrajine, sem se odločil, da
bom tukaj na blogu vsake toliko časa naredil seznam vseh objavljenih
Zakaj ravno LiDAR
vsak teden?
V Sloveniji imamo
javno dostopne podatke LiDAR snemanja celotne površine države. PRedvsem nam omogoča oddaljen pogled na obliko površja, tudi tam kjer je
gozd...in v Sloveniji ga je veliko.
LiDAR posnetki nam odkrivajo
veliko novega, še neznanega. Od boljše vidnih že znanih
arheoloških sledov in najdišč, večjega obsega že znanih arheoloških najdiš,
do novoodkritih skoraj v celoti ohranjenih arheoloških pokrajin.
LiDAR posnetki najlažje in tudi najbolj atraktivno prikažemo
oblikovanost pokrajine in arheološka najdišča znotraj pokrajine.
Objavljam tudi LiDAR
posnetke arheoloških najdišč iz drugih držav. Tako poleg
Slovenije še iz UK, Finske in Italije. Imam v načrtu še
druge...presenečenje :D
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Šilentabor #FridayLiDAR dne 15/04/2016 |
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Dve prazgodovinski gradišči nad Newcastle-on-Clun #FridayLiDAR dne 24/06/2016 |
08/07/2016 - LiDAR posnetek prazgodovinskega gradišča Žuškovka pri vasi Laže blizuSenožeč/Slovenija.
sreda, 20. julij 2016
LiDAR map of archaeological features in the vicinity of village Kosovelje/Slovenia update 20/07/2016
So, again after a short break we continue with new and interesting transcriptions of archaeological l traces and features on the surface. Results are gained through different visualizations of LiDAR data. Location is north of the village Kosovelje - Slovenia.
First are transcription stone mounds in the northern part of the map (blue green). I also added transcriptions of potential archaeological traces, that are drawn around these mounds.. These traces may well be the natural surface. But often in the Karst traces of such forms are potential remains of very old dry stone walls.
Link to page with interactive map of village Kosovelje.
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Detail from Kosovlje maps showing the new transcription of archaeological traces and features. |
First are transcription stone mounds in the northern part of the map (blue green). I also added transcriptions of potential archaeological traces, that are drawn around these mounds.. These traces may well be the natural surface. But often in the Karst traces of such forms are potential remains of very old dry stone walls.
Link to page with interactive map of village Kosovelje.
LiDAR karta arheoloških sledov v okolici vasi Kosovelje posodobitev 20/07/2016
Tako zopet po nekaj premora nove transkripcije arheoloških in kulturnih sledov na površju v okolici vasi Kosovelje.
Dodane so transkripcije kamnitih grobelj na severnem delu karte (modro zelena barva). Prav tako sem dodal trasnkripcije potencialnih arheoloških sledi. Lahko da gre za naravne sledove površja. Vendar pogosto na Krasu sledovi takšnih oblik v pod zemljo skrivajo ostaline zelo starih suhih zidov.
Link do strani.
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Izsek iz karte Kosovelje s prikazanimi novimi transkripcijami. |
Dodane so transkripcije kamnitih grobelj na severnem delu karte (modro zelena barva). Prav tako sem dodal trasnkripcije potencialnih arheoloških sledi. Lahko da gre za naravne sledove površja. Vendar pogosto na Krasu sledovi takšnih oblik v pod zemljo skrivajo ostaline zelo starih suhih zidov.
Link do strani.
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